Television, Radio and Print Journalism
Joan has a diverse background in broadcast and print journalism. Her experience includes several years as a talk show host and producer on both radio and television. She has served as a reporter, anchor and award-winning producer for numerous broadcast outlets. As a freelance journalist her articles have appeared in local, national and international publications.
Additionally, Joan has written and produced numerous training-oriented videos for corporations. Her book, CultureShift, a Leader’s Guide to Managing Change in Health Care, was published by American Hospital Press in 1997.
Her range of experience includes:
- Television: Reporter for CNN-TV (Science and Technology features); KTVU-TV, Fox Affiliate, Oakland, CA (Entertainment features); Anchor for KCSM-TV, PBS, San Mateo, CA (Legal News); Talk Show Host and Reporter for Storer Cable, Sarasota, FL; Talk Show Host for business teleconferences for CLTV (Computerland Television) and Apple Computer. Segment Writer and Producer for the Discovery Channel; CNBC Network; Special Reports Television (Whittle Communications) and numerous other free-lance
- Radio: Reporter for Associated Press Radio Network (Entertainment Division, San Francisco and Hollywood, CA); Reporter, News Anchor, Talk Show Host and Producer for WQSA-AM News/Talk Radio, Sarasota, FL; DJ for WWZZ 1280 AM-Radio, Sarasota, FL.
- Print: Authored articles appeared in San Francisco Business Journal; Tampa Business Journal; PR News Media Training Guidebook; San Francisco Chronicle; Contra Costa Times; Alameda Journal; Alameda Times Star; The Monthly (Berkeley and Oakland, CA) Singapore Car and Driver; Communication World, National Golf for Women; Golf Magazine; Golf Course Management and many other publications.