How to deliver unpleasant news in a caring and effective manner
Appropriate for small to large audiences – six-to-eight hours –
- Does your health care organization have a strategy for preparing staff to deliver bad news in a caring and effective manner?
- Does your executive staff tend to procrastinate when they have to deliver bad news to employees, colleagues, executives, vendors or patient customers?
- Have customers or employees ever approached you with something negative they heard through the “rumor mill” that your organization hasn’t gotten around to informing them about?
- Do people in your organization sometimes express misgivings about how they will, or have handled delivering negative news to patients, vendors, managements, or members of their health care team?
In these turbulent times, leaders are increasingly faced with communicating bad or difficult news. Few people relish broaching unpleasant subjects with others. Some avoid it altogether, while others may put it off until the rumor mill is running wild. Some may go into it like, “a bull in a china shop.” Others may become defensive if challenged.
Those who have the willingness and courage to address unpleasant issues in a timely, caring and well-thought-out manner distinguish themselves as true leaders. They earn the respect and loyalty of those who know them. Organizations that behave in this way enhance their reputation and can build even greater long-term customer loyalty.
In this fast-paced program attendees role play scenarios in which they are faced with delivering bad news to an individual, or group. They are given the opportunity to identify the critical issues that must be addressed and to practice delivering the news in a firm, clear and empathic manner.
As a result of attending Delivering Unpleasant News, participants will:
- Increase their awareness about the importance of delivering unpleasant news in a timely, sensitive and empathic manner
- Identify the necessary skills, attitudes, mindset and preparation process necessary for delivering unpleasant news most effectively
- Learn a planning process for delivering unpleasant news
- Practice delivering unpleasant news in a clear, empathic manner
*Video recording of role plays with feedback can be added to this workshop.
“Just had to respond right away to your webinar. Loved it, loved it! You both really ‘nailed it’ as far as demonstrating expertise on the subject of delivering difficult news. I liked that you gave such good examples of the ‘right’ way and ‘needs improvement’ way!” – Pat Schalley, Certified Professional Coach